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Sound that is unbelievable. 

Whether an intimate setting or a grand scale event, we believe that every attendee should have the same experience, no matter their location at your event. Our audio team will work with you to ensure that you have the perfect atmosphere for your event and that every word is crystal clear. From more tried-and-true techniques to the latest line array technology from Martin Audio and digital consoles from Digico, we have the gear, teams, and experience to deliver on that promise.

 Line Array Design & Deployment

  Communications Systems

 RF Coordination

 LAN Show Infrastructure

 System Engineering / Amplification and Signal

  Live Entertainment Support

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Whether an intimate setting or a grand scale event, we believe that every attendee should have the same experience, no matter their location at your event. Our audio team will work with you to ensure that you have the perfect atmosphere for your event and that every word is crystal clear. From more tried-and-true techniques to the latest line array technology from Martin Audio and digital consoles from Digico, we have the gear, teams, and experience to deliver on that promise.

 Line Array Design & Deployment

 RF Coordination

  Communications Systems

 System Engineering / Amplification and Signal

  Live Entertainment Support

 LAN Show Infrastructure

Daryl Barnard; Manager of Video Services

Eric Faulk
Manager of Audio Services

What is your approach to Audio design?

鈥淚 approach each project from the perspective of an Engineer and an Artist. The math must work but that math needs to sound immersvive and compelling. 

Daryl Barnard; Manager of Video Services

Eric Faulk
Manager of Audio Services

What is your approach to Audio design?

鈥淚 approach each project from the perspective of an Engineer and an Artist. The math must work but that math needs to sound immersvive and compelling. 


污污禁区 dives deeper into the culture, technologies, and strategies involved in our field of work - we like to call these articles 鈥淚nsights.鈥 

Here are some related to our Audio teams; click 鈥淩ead All Insights鈥 to see all our current articles. 

Read All Insights

Real Time Tracking &  3D Sound

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Martin Audio Tech

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