
Project Management icon


Mastering everything together.

Our project managers bring diverse skillsets and experiences to the table. We make sure that we have an adaptable and fungible team to match the unique needs of each event. At times, the event benefits from engaging a project manager for the entire event process, from initial conception to the last truck leaving the dock. Other events' needs are limited to show site. Whatever the scope and requirements of the event, it will benefit from their presence.

 Technical Consultation

 Developing and Managing Timelines

 Crew Management


 Coordinating with Various Vendors and Teams

Site Surveys

Project Management icon


Our project managers bring diverse skillsets and experiences to the table. We make sure that we have an adaptable and fungible team to match the unique needs of each event. At times, the event benefits from engaging a project manager for the entire event process, from initial conception to the last truck leaving the dock. Other events' needs are limited to show site. Whatever the scope and requirements of the event, it will benefit from their presence.

 Technical Consultation

 Crew Management

 Developing and Managing Timelines

 Coordinating with Various Vendors and Teams


Site Surveys

Pat Reed; director of show solutions

Pat Reed
Director of Show Solutions

What is your approach to Project Management?

鈥淢y approach starts with understanding the unique client and event needs鈥. and then making sure we give them a little bit more.鈥

Pat Reed; director of show solutions

Pat Reed
Director of Show Solutions

What is your approach to Project Management?

鈥淢y approach starts with understanding the unique client and event needs鈥. and then making sure we give them a little bit more.鈥


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Here are some related to our Project Management teams; click 鈥淩ead All Insights鈥 to see all our current articles. 

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Staff Q&A

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The Burgundy Difference

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